Tuesday, January 4, 2011

One Little Word

I am participating in Ali Edwards's One Little Word 2011 project through Big Picture Classes.

The above image is a Wordle consisting of the words chosen from this year's participants.  Doesn't that look creative and fun?

I'm excited about all the possibilities this will bring.  One Little Word is your theme for the year.  Much easier than making resolutions that probably won't last past mid January.

But coming up with my word seemed like such pressure, especially when I just haven't been myself lately since I've been sick since right before Christmas.  Then this post listed all the participants' words thus far.  A commenter noticed that almost every letter of the alphabet had a word represented...except K.  I wracked my brain thinking of a good K word.  And then it came to me... KIND.  My word for the year is KIND.  Yes!  I need to me more KIND to myself, I can always be more KIND to others (especially when I have judgmental thoughts), and it never hurts to be more KIND to the earth.

You don't have to be signed up to have a word.  What would your One Little Word be?

1 comment:

  1. I love the word KIND (even though some people use it like they use NICE: a bland way to say something bland about someone or something). I appreciate when people tell me that I'm kind (in the non-bland way) because I do try to be kind. That said, I would like to learn to be kinder to myself. :)

    If I had to pick a word for 2011, it would be CARE, especially with regard to myself (physical, mental, spiritual).

    Happy new year!



I do so appreciate each and every comment. Thanks!