Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Peace and Patience

sign at store in United Kingdom section of Epcot at Disney World

I may have been praying for PEACE this holiday season but the universe/God continues to bring lessons in patience.

Miles and I are/have been sick with different illnesses for the last 5-6 days including time that we were on vacation to Disney World = patience
Going to Disney at Christmas time means long lines = patience
Going to Disney with a slow moving 5-year-old = patience
Going to Disney with a mother in a wheelchair (due to a knee she'll have surgery on in a few days) = patience
Being in the airport 5 hours before our flight = patience

I'm reminded that I must look at the bright side of all of this.

All of us were together at different moments--my family of four, my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, and my brother-in-law's parents.
Miles being sick meant that he was super good in the airport and on the plane.
Miles being sick means lots of cuddle time.
My being sick means I've read 3 books in the last week.
My mother in a wheelchair meant that we were able to bypass long lines for some rides and her lap became a stroller for Miles.
All the people at Disney, especially from other countries, meant a spiritual feeling of connectedness at various moments.  When tons of these people left Magic Kingdom about 10:30 at night on Christmas Eve, it was cold, it started to rain and we didn't have an umbrella.  We were one, long, thick, slow-moving snake waiting to board the Monorail.  All I could do was laugh.

I've lots more to share, but that is enough for now...


I do so appreciate each and every comment. Thanks!