Thursday, October 6, 2011

You Must See This!

If you've been reading my blog regularly you noticed that I didn't post a special story as I had intended.  I still plan to do that, perhaps even later today.  This week we've had our reaccreditation site visit for our graduate program in Counseling at Lindsey Wilson College, of which my husband is the director.  It has been quite a week!  (Actually quite a last couple of years but that's another story.)  Yesterday morning the site visit team gave us their feedback.  We had no recommendations and no requirements.  We have met/are meeting all the standards.  This is very rare, especially for a program the size of ours with about 400 graduate students in 25+ sites (I've lost count)!  (And no, we're not an on-line program.  We bring each and every one of our courses to these sites.)  Of course they had some suggestions.  They always have suggestions because any program can always get better.  We will find out the results of whether or not we are reaccredited and for long sometime in January when the accrediting board meets.

While I was out celebrating, personally having my husband back, along with my kids I just happened to look at my twitter feed.  It was full of tweets about the death of Steve Jobs.  Someone posted a link to the video belong.  If you think you are the last person to see this, you're not.  I hadn't.  Even if you have seen it, watch it again.  It's that good.  And while the death of Steve Jobs is quite sad, its timing as it reminds me what he stood for, couldn't have been better in my life right now.


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