Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Blogaversary!


Happy Blogaversary to me!

A year ago yesterday I started on this blogging adventure.  This is my 120th post so that averages to about one every 3 days.  A bit of an accomplishment if I do say so myself.

Today I've celebrated by going to my local bakery and purchasing 4 of the cupcakes you see above--one for each member of my family.  And I know my husband won't want one so then I'll have two.  Something tells me, though, the icing may just be too sugary, but I know I'll like the cake part.  I'm a cake kind of girl.

Buying cupakes reminds me of what Patti Digh says in her book, Life is a Verb.  She recommends that you always have a supply of birthday candles on hand to celebrate the little joys in life.  Sometimes we are so much on the go, working towards the next big thing, that we don't stop to celebrate our accomplishments and be grateful, because we're onto the next big thing.

What do you have to celebrate?
What are you grateful for?


I do so appreciate each and every comment. Thanks!