Friday, June 3, 2011

A Walking Meditation

Last weekend was Memorial Day, my 16th anniversary, and I taught a course I created called Creative Play Therapy Interventions.  My goal for this course has always been for the time together to feel like a retreat where the students can experience the techniques and philosophy before applying them to their own clients.  (It was also so very nice to share some things I learned from my art retreat with Liz Lamoreux.)

On Saturday, my class experienced walking meditation as we traveled a couple of blocks from the downtown square of Scottsville KY to a small grassy area where they played with their cameras.  It was a joy to watch these students' stress melt away in the sunshine.  I took the following photos. 

the building on the right houses Lindsey Wilson College at Scottsville

One of the wonderful things about photos is they can immediately take us back to another time.

A time to remember.
A time to play.
A time to wonder.
A time to be yourself.
A time to take your time.
A time to breathe.


  1. These are so lovely! You remind me to put my camera in my bag this instant so I can get back to meditation walking!

  2. Beautiful photos - I bet your students really enjoyed the meditation walk - just as you did!

  3. Thanks for the reminder of meditation walking! Two of my goals for the month of June are to walk more and meditate more & I had completely forgotten that I could put the two together beautifully!


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