Monday, January 10, 2011

How I Miss You

Miles at a water park July 2010

yours truly July 4, 2010

Oh summer how I miss you!
The warm weather
Water play
Sidewalk chalk
Reading outside
I must be patient
You'll come again.

P.S. The book I was reading on July 4 is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  Very recommended as well as her blog.


  1. The thoughts of summer eventually coming somedays is the only reason I think I get up and get dressed. Cute pictures, and great book!

  2. I am ready for some warm weather to. Bike riding and rollerskating on the boardwalk..Yaaayyy!!

  3. I miss summer too! Just got more snow dumped on us and I'm starting to get stir crazy! I honestly think my sewing and art is keeping me sane right now!


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